About the Business
I provide a flushing service for the central heating system. Flushing is when you empty the old central heating water and re-fill it with clean water. This reduces the amount of Iron Oxide that builds up within the system over time which reduces the flow rate of the water and makes the system more sluggish. The build up of Iron Oxide also affects the heat output of the radiators and increases corrosion. There are additives that you can add to your system which aid the flushing process and increase the amount of Iron Oxide you get out. There is also a relatively new product on the market which, once installed onto your system, acts as a magnet for the iron oxide and vastly improves the way your central heating system operates. It is installed onto the pipes of the system and costs around £100.
Due to excessive amounts of corrosion, your radiator may start leaking and need replacing. You may have a leak from the valves or you may wish to replace the old valves with new thermostatic valves, enabling you to control the heat output from each individual radiator, making them more efficient (because you are not wasting heat) and switching off radiators in unused rooms of the house. You may wish to relocate a radiator. These are all services that I provide.
Location & Hours

10 Penrith Avenue